Equine Affaire

On Thursday November 11th, 2021, Veterans Day we attended the Equine Affaire out in Springfield MA. While we had just arrived we entered into one demonstration area when this young woman say” Peter is that you”. I turn around to see Lisa Gentile, our trainer who had been given up horsemanship lessons last year. As it turned out she was there assisting Horsemanship Trainer Ken McNabb who she was trained under. We watched Ken’s demonstrators called “Whoa mean Whoa” which was very informative and somewhat familiar from what we learned from Lisa.
Later in the day we walked around exploring all the different vendors there and ran into some Wild Horse organizations and had some great discussions about the Wild Mustang population and where Maple Leaf Equine Sanctuary was heading. We later ran into Ken McNabb’s booth where we had the opportunity to speak with him and talk about his clinics and trainings he’s offering in Wyoming. Ken is a master at his trade and a great individual to speak too about anything related to horses. It was a day very well spent. For those interested in attending it runs from November 11th to the 14th. The next one will be held in Ohio, April 7th-10th, 2022.


Gentling Wild Mustangs